Strategies and resources to disarm everyday prejudice
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Effectively disarming prejudice--whatever its target--takes some practice and a bit of training. In this post, we present some smart,...
Clergywomen’s bodies often make the object of extra-ordinary attention. How should women react?
When congregations and their clergy do not "fit": keys to authenticity and integrity for clergywomen
How can ministers stay true to their identity and values in difficult ministry contexts? What insights can guide their choices?
On imperfection, self-doubt, and over-functioning
How should clergywomen deal with vulnerability, imperfection, and failure? Is showing vulnerability a luxury women cannot afford?
Hiring and pay matters: clergywomen and an "opaque" ministry job market
Church organizations' granular power structure allows gender and sexual orientation discrimination to grow in the cracks of the system.
Responding or not responding to sexism: clergywomen's dilemma (and its consequences) | 2
In a work setting, choosing to be assertive may cost hiring opportunities or jeopardize the viability of women’s position as...
Key finding: "subtle" sexism in contemporary clergywomen's experiences | 1
The extent to which contemporary clergywomen deal with pervasive and recurrent forms of subtle “everyday sexism” is one of the clearest...
Clergy mothers and the pandemic: exodus or opportunity?
The pandemic might erase decades of progress in the area of women's equality. How are clergywomen coping?
Dispatches from a changing profession: contemporary clergywomen's stories
A new study on clergywomen by the Flourishing in Ministry research team highlights change in an increasingly diverse profession.
The ill-fitting robe: female representation in the church
One of our most pervasive findings concerns the impact of women's poor or unequal representation in the church.
Asking questions from the right people: a profile of our participants
Who is behind the stories and insights we present in this blog?
The slippery slope of sacrifice
"No pain, no gain in ministry" seems to be an unstated motto for many clergy. But when does sacrifice become unhealthy and detrimental?
The myth of self-care
There is a myth about the nature of self-care. The myth is that my wellbeing is my responsibility alone.
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